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“Things to do before going on a long drive”

Before going on a long drive, the car should be thoroughly checked. Especially car wheels. It should be checked whether there is air in the tire properly or not. If there is less air, it should be taken with necessary air. Apart from this, tire grip decreases due to prolonged running. Before going on a trip in your car, check that the grip is fine. If the wheel’s grip is reduced, you can replace it.

If going for a bike ride, fill up with enough fuel. And if going by private vehicle, fill fuel according to the region you are traveling to. Also find out if there are any gas stations in the area you are going to. Gas should be filled by understanding the distance. If you plan to leave early in the morning, you can fill up the oil tank the day before. Fill up the fuel from the petrol pump after half of the fuel is consumed on the journey.
While driving on highways or highways, the most important thing to keep in mind is the speed of the vehicle. Never drive a car or bike at excessive speed. The speed of the vehicle depends on the number of lanes on the road. A car has one speed on a one-lane road and a different speed on a four-lane road. But regardless of the number of lanes, speeding over the speed limit on empty roads increases the risk of accidents. You can go from one lane to another lane by following the lane changing rules on the highway. In this case left or right indicator lights should be given. Changing lanes without using this indicator can lead to accidents.
Better to avoid overtaking. If it has to, the driver needs to be extra careful. Overtaking is possible when the road is empty or there are no cars in front or behind. It is better not to overtake on busy roads in a hurry. Overtaking should never be done when a vehicle is seen in the opposite lane.

Highways have different signals. One should drive by looking at various signals including markets, educational institutions, narrow roads, various turns, speed limits. So while driving you should follow those signals. Never endanger yourself by breaking the signal.

Driving a car or bike for a long period of time can tire the driver. One should never drive if the body is tired. A major accident can happen in a second. If you are not used to driving for a long time, take rest after a certain period of time. Beginners should rest every two hours.
Never drive while drowsy. If you feel sleepy, stop the car and sleep if possible. Apart from this, you should sleep well before going on a long drive. One should not drive long distances with body fatigue. Keep plenty of water throughout the journey.

Don’t worry if the car breaks down on the road. Try to handle the situation with a cool head. Save car helpline number in mobile phone before going for a drive.

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